Benzo Buddies provides information and support to plan and execute a benzodiazepine withdrawal schedule.
The website’s Benzo Info section includes answers to frequently asked questions about benzodiazepines as well as a list of withdrawal symptoms and side effects, and information about tolerance and dependency. You can also find a list of generic benzodiazepines and brand equivalents.
Benzo Buddies’ Withdrawal Methods section describes various methods of benzodiazepine tapering: direct taper, substitution taper, titration, and cold turkey (how not to quit benzos). Here you can find instructions for each method including tailored taper plans, a stepping-off table, a benzodiazepine equivalency table, and titration preparation video demonstrations.
Finally, Benzo Buddies includes a Forum to discuss tapering and find support, tips, and advice from others experiencing benzodiazepine withdrawal. Discussion topics include:
- Taper Plans: General taper, substitution, and titration
- Withdrawal Support: Moral support, general information, and feedback during your taper
- Post-Withdrawal Recovery Support: Support and feedback for when you have completed your taper
- Insomnia: Concerns, tips, and recommendations about sleeping problems
- Anxiety: Support and tips for managing anxiety and panic attacks
- Other Medications: For issues arising out of poly-drug use and withdrawal, drug interactions, and how other prescribed and over-the-counter medicines might affect benzodiazepine withdrawal
- Accentuate the Positive: Inspirational stories, art, literature, poetry, etc. that can help make benzodiazepine withdrawal more bearable
- Success Stories: Recovery stories from individuals who have been benzodiazepine-free for at least two months