Nineteen defective drug product liability cases against Prizer have been filed in West Virginia state court by mothers alleging that their children suffered from birth defects due to Zoloft. The mothers claim they took Zoloft as prescribed, and that their children were born with congenital defects as a direct consequence that the defendant knew or should have known about. The plaintiffs claim in addition that the drug is defective, dangerous to human health, unfit and unsuitable to be marketed and sold, and lacks the proper warnings as to the dangers associated with its use.
Amo Philo has a good site on the dangers of psychiatric drugs to mothers and infants (including birth defects). She’s done a lot politically here in Texas, and around the country to get the word out –
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Re: “The plaintiffs claim in addition that the drug is defective, DANGEROUS TO HUMAN HEALTH, UNFIT AND UNSUITABLE TO BE MARKETED AND SOLD, and lacks the proper warnings as to the dangers associated with its use.”
Gotta love the language of this law firm!
Hopefully, we’ll see David slay Goliath!
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Let us certainly hope so. The charade of SSRI’s being beneficial in any way has gone on too long as it is! Pfizer has been up to shennigns for a long time. I once had a friend whose father was a regional director for this company and they were always doing secretive things that he wouldn’t or couldn’t talk about. Of course, they are no different from all the other drug companies. And the general public has the idea that they have our best interests at heart! LOL! Their only interest is how much money they can bring into their coffers. And if you think the FDA has our interest at heart, I think we all know by now that this isno’t true.
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