Chief executive Alex Gorsky was once proud enough of Risperdal to put its sales numbers on his resume, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer today, but Johnson & Johnson settled a case with a man who blamed the drug for causing him to grow breasts rather than risk Gorsky being forced to testify in person. The article does provide the link to a transcript of Gorsky’s deposition.
Article → Of further interest:
J&J Settles Risperdal Lawsuit on Opening Day of Trial
1 Boring Old Man blogs on this article
I have to say that I am saddened by how most people consider gynocomastia (male breasts) to be amongst the worst, if not the worst, “side effect” of neuroleptic drugs. I hardly ever hear people from the “norm” side of life get all upset over tardive dyskenisia, or what they call “tics”, or akathisia, that they call “anxiety”, but a teenage boy grows a pair of breasts? It’s an outrage. It in some ways allowed the CCHR to put up a stronghold in Florida because so many residents there were practically up in arms over it.
If I could choose because even the mildest case of tardive dyskenisia or even a temporary case of akathisia and a life time of male breasts, oh please, give me the breasts. At least the breasts wont torture you 24/7 for the rest of your life. At least male breasts are not a result of irreversible brain damage.
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Risperdal Legos!
This is Johnson and Johnson the ‘baby care people’ promoting dangerous Risperdal an atypical antipsychotic for Children.
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