Allen Jones, the whistle blower whose testimony resulted in a $158 million settlement by Johnson & Johnson for fraudulent marketing of Risperdal in Texas, was named whistle-blower of the year in that state. But, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports, the same information resulted in Jones being fired by the State of Pennsylvania, and then rebuffed again when he attempted to bring the same information to light years later. Jones was warned to “quit swimming against the current in the pharmaceutical case,” according to the paper.
This is disturbing. He was fired by the state, not by any company that may have ties to the pharmaceutical industry. It is safe to say that Big Pharma has corrupted our whole government and even these lawsuits are surely nothing but a fake illusion of justice to try to quiet the people. For every few billion dollars they lose to fines, they made at least 50 billion more from the crimes. Biased drug studies, bribed researchers, false advertising, pseudoscientific propaganda, and out government is on their side. All the while millions of people are taking truly brain damaging drugs with serious long term consequences and even forcing millions of kids to have to take them as well.
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It’s frightening because we have no recourse to justice of any kind. Society doesn’t give a fat damn because we are only mental patients or poor kids in the foster care system. We have no one to turn to other than ourselves.
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