Psychiatry is “Committing Professional Suicide”


David Healy “likened psychiatry’s attitude toward its faltering legitimacy to the Vatican’s widely derided response to its child sex abuse scandal by priests — essentially that psychiatry is brushing off justifiable concerns as hype instead of dealing with the source of the problem,” according to‘s coverage of his talk at the APA’s second-largest annual meeting on Thursday. “My concern is not that you’ve been paid by industry,” Healy said, “but that you’ve been fooled by industry. The key conflict is whether people are hiding data from you.”

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Kermit Cole
Kermit Cole, MFT, founding editor of Mad in America, works in Santa Fe, New Mexico as a couples and family therapist. Inspired by Open Dialogue, he works as part of a team and consults with couples and families that have members identified as patients. His work in residential treatment — largely with severely traumatized and/or "psychotic" clients — led to an appreciation of the power and beauty of systemic philosophy and practice, as the alternative to the prevailing focus on individual pathology. A former film-maker, he has undergraduate and master's degrees in psychology from Harvard University, as well as an MFT degree from the Council for Relationships in Philadelphia. He is a doctoral candidate with the Taos Institute and the Free University of Brussels. You can reach him at [email protected].


  1. Healy hangin’ with Mercola. Next he might consider being a guest on Alex Jone’s show. Gotta love the moment Mercola brings up flouride in SSRIs and teenage shooting sprees. It’s such a shame the amount of play this guy gets on this site, it really is heartbreaking.

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    • It’s heartbreaking to see a self proclaimed psychiatry reformer only interested in his issues and concerns. It kind puts a dark cloud over the banner of “Human Rights” that you so want to be known for promoting.

      I think there is a difference between a psychiatric survivor and psychiatric rebel. It’s the difference between becoming more humanistic as a result of unjustly losing one’s claim to humanity and having an unbridled impulse to seek revenge as a result of focusing only on one’s personal loss/ pain.

      The survivors are celebrated, often through tears of joy for validating the triumph of our claim to the universal human spirit. The rebels deserve our compassion, though it seems more merciful to at least attempt to correct their errors of perception when they result in unjust harm to others. IMHO, of course!

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