A Chicago jury awarded $1.5 million to an autistic child who developed irreversible and disabling tardive dyskinesia and tardive akathisia while treated with Risperdal, followed by Zyprexa. The boy had been diagnosed with autism as a child and started on SSRI antidepressants by the age of seven, which according to expert witness Peter Breggin caused his mental condition and behavior to deteriorate.
If only the justice could be for everybody and not just those who can find a good lawyer at the right time. In any case, no amount of money is going to help to improve his life and is probably going to just wind up in the pockets of “caregivers” who force him back onto those drugs in the future.
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I think this is a promising sign. But I, too, wish ALL doctors who misdiagnosed adverse reactions to antidepressants, then rendered patients senseless with antipsychotics, would be forced to pay their patients. It’s malpractice, torture, and plain evil.
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Its to late for me but I just looked up ‘statute of limitations minors’. Victims of child psychiatry can sue as adults I would think.
All these kids should get lawyers ,
20/20: Generation Meds http://youtu.be/8W8SHEe5y-o
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