Navigating the Mental Health Wilderness:
Steven Morgan’s Journey

Steven Morgan discusses his transformative journey from chronic “patient” to leading mental health advocate. Steven has been working in peer support and helping to create alternatives to traditional mental health services for the past decade. In 2013, he became Operations Manager for Intentional Peer Support, where he brings a passion for creating instruments of social change, a love of organizational development, and a belief in the transformative power of community. On full moons he enjoys writing, playing music, woodworking, and taking long long walks. This is latest in a series of testimonials featured on produced by the Open Paradigm Project – @Open_Paradigm on Twitter.

Of further interest:

Steven Morgan Reflects on Working With Psychosis (Video)

Steven Morgan 2012 presentation on Soteria Vermont (Video)

“Reviving the Myth of Mental Illness” by Steven Morgan

“The Wind Never Lies” by Steven Morgan


  1. Steven, you’re an inspiration. It’s reassuring to me as one who hopes to one day wean off of medication (I have a forced medication order right now), to see a person who made it happen – with an exploration of avenues to wellness and a personal intuition that open dialogue’s rich exchange is really where it’s at, at least for a person such as yourself… I feel in consonance with you on that point… that the mutual validation of our respective digestions of life experience is how we heal and how we SUSTAIN the health of our souls moving forward.

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