Meta-analysis: Medication-resistant Psychosis Responds to CBT


University of British Columbia researchers conducted a meta-analysis that found positive effects from giving cognitive behavioral therapy to outpatients with medication-resistant psychosis. Publishing in Psychiatric Services, the researchers examined 16 published articles describing 12 randomized controlled trials involving 639 individuals. They found “overall beneficial effects of CBT” for positive symptoms and general symptoms.

“For patients who continue to exhibit symptoms of psychosis despite adequate trials of medication, CBT for psychosis can confer beneficial effects above and beyond the effects of medication,” they concluded.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Medication-Resistant Psychosis: A Meta-Analytic Review (Burns, Amy M. N. et al. Psychiatric Services 2014; doi: 10.1176/


  1. I think that if basic understandable psychotherapy like CBT works better than medication (and it does), then it should be made available to everyone, because there’s no point in turning young people into longterm patients.

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