Anne Skomorkowsky of the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry writes in Truthout about a recent case of a psychiatrist who shot a patient. Skomorkowsky then explores our society’s misunderstandings of the relationships between mental illness and treatments, violence and guns. “Most violent crime is committed by sociopaths, not schizophrenics,” writes Skomorkowsky. “Mental health treatment offers little to the antisocial patient. Nonetheless, such patients are frequently found in mental health settings because they have symptoms associated with severe mental illness, symptoms like irritability, paranoid ideation, suicidal and homicidal thoughts and poor impulse control.”
“Psychiatrists can offer consultation, medication, psychotherapy and hospitalization. None is of any use to the antisocial patient, who is famously untreatable,” continues Skomorkowsky. “He needs social support, food, and money, but has a habit of devaluing and destroying everything he sees. The mental health system is just another source of disappointment for the sociopath. The psychiatrist personifies his hopelessness, as nothing he has to offer is worthwhile… The idea that criminals belong in the psychiatristâs office is part of our cultureâs denial that widespread social change is needed to prevent violent behavior.”
Guns in the Mental Health Clinic: Not Therapeutic (Truthout, August 3, 2014)