Daydream Disorder Stirs Controversy


“The name of a ‘new attention disorder’ sounds like an Onion-style parody: sluggish cognitive tempo,” writes Slate. “It also sounds like a classic case of disease mongering: blurring normality with sickness to boost drug companies’ bottom lines.” But according to PsychCentral, that perspective is “poisoning the well through innuendo.”

“This condition is not satire, and the scientific debate about its existence has already spilled into the pages of the New York Times, after the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology devoted most of an issue to a special section of 10 papers on SCT,” reports Slate.

The Daydream Disorder (Slate, September 29, 2014)


  1. You’re genetically sick and your brain is damaged so it makes you sluggish but hey, no stigma is attached to it. They are becoming a parody of themselves and it looks like the general public may be catching up.

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