Scottish Ombudsman Turns Findings About Psychiatric Hospital Over To Police


Stratheden psychiatric hospital has been “heavily criticised” by the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman for its treatment of Daniel Muirhead, according to the Scottish Express. The findings were issued after a year-long probe that was prompted by complaints from Daniel and his mother, MIA Foreign Correspondent Chrys Muirhead.

The Express recounts that at one point hospital staff transported Daniel Muirhed to a different facility while he was “barefoot and wearing boxer shorts,” then locked him in seclusion where he spent hours without food, running water or a toilet.

“Last night furious patient campaigners expressed their shock and disgust at the 11-page [Ombudsman’s] dossier, describing the treatment as ‘cruel’,” reports the Express. “Mr Muirhead, who is now in better health, insisted psychiatric wards are ‘doing more harm than good’.”

The paper indicates that the Ombudsman’s findings “will be handed to police for further investigation.”

HOSPITAL HORRORS: Patient locked in cell with no toilet, food or water (Scottish Express, October 5, 2014)