Prominent Psychiatrists Discuss “the Crisis of Confidence in Medical Research”


A large excerpt from a post by psychiatrist and MIA Blogger David Healy is sandwiched between commentary by psychiatrist Allen Frances on The Huffington Post, as both discuss the declining reliability of medical and psychiatric research.

“It’s been many years since I have trusted anything I read in a medical or psychiatric journal,” writes Frances. “There is an enterprise wide positive bias; findings never seem to replicate; benefits are hyped; harms are hidden.”

The Crisis of Confidence in Medical Research (Huffington Post, January 12, 2015)


  1. Healy seems to be pointing out the wisdom that our current medical community has seemingly forgotten, that medicine is an art not a science. And they both are seemingly admitting that the so called “science” behind much of today’s medical treatment is fraudulent “science.” Perhaps it’s time to start respecting our intuitions, and what patients actually say, more than the fraudulent science at this point?

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