A large epidemiological study in Environmental Health has linked higher levels of exposure to fluoride in drinking water with higher ADHD rates in children and adolescents in the US. In Newsweek, a number of independent medical analysts described the findings as both plausible and important.
York University psychologists Christine Till and Ashley Malin used CDC data on state water fluoridation starting in 1992 and National Survey of Children’s Health information on prevalence of ADHD diagnoses from later years. They also controlled for the frequent impact of socioeconomic status on ADHD diagnosis rates — though a limitation of the study was that they did not examine any individual children or individual rates of exposure.
“State prevalence of artificial water fluoridation in 1992 significantly positively predicted state prevalence of ADHD in 2003, 2007 and 2011, even after controlling for socioeconomic status,” they wrote. “A multivariate regression analysis showed that after socioeconomic status was controlled each 1% increase in artificial fluoridation prevalence in 1992 was associated with approximately 67,000 to 131,000 additional ADHD diagnoses from 2003 to 2011.”
“The results are plausible, and indeed meaningful,” Harvard University physician and epidemiologist Philippe Grandjean told Newsweek, adding that this and other recent studies suggested that we should “reconsider the need to add fluoride to drinking water at current levels.”
Thomas Zoeller, a specialist in the study of endocrine disruptor chemicals like fluoride called the study unique and “important” and told Newsweek that, “Given the number of children in the U.S. exposed to fluoridation, it is important to follow this up.”
Water Fluoridation Linked to Higher ADHD Rates (March 10, 2015)
Malin, Ashley J., and Christine Till. “Exposure to Fluoridated Water and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Prevalence among Children and Adolescents in the United States: An Ecological Association.” Environmental Health 14, no. 1 (February 27, 2015): 17. doi:10.1186/s12940-015-0003-1. (Abstract)
I know I can’t drink the water where I currently live. I tried for a couple months, and finally realized it may be the water that was making me feel constantly icky. I switched to distilled water, and immediately felt better.
It is wrong for the government to add chemicals to the water supply, because at least a percentage of the population does not react well to those chemicals. It is odd to me that some doctors and members of our government think they have a right to do this. No one should have a right to add chemicals to drinking water.
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Drinking fluoridated water is especially harmful to anyone taking Lithium Carbonate. Ingesting the toxin lithium is risky enough, but fluorine atoms form the strongest bond with lithium atoms to create lithium fluoride, a rare earth glass (sand) which is especially tough for the kidneys to deal with.
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Interesting, you’d think doctors should mention that to people being put on lithium. Or it should at least be pointed out on drugs.com. It’s not.
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They actually thought it’s be awesome to also add lithium to drinking water. This way you couldn’t avoid the damage.
Seriously, the more I read the more I’m impressed this species survived so long.
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The more I read, the more I realize those currently in charge do not have the actual best interests of all of humanity at heart.
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But I don’t think our country was always like this – to the contrary, I believe in the Christian Judaeo ethics within which our country was founded.
I believe Thomas Jefferson properly warned this country who the true evil is:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
We need to break up the oligopolistic industries, including the banking industry, and bring back an actual competitive democratic republic. That’s what made this country great.
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Who thought that adding fluoride to water was a good idea in the first place?
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Dentists, I’m pretty certain. Although, I will say it was an oral surgeon who saved me, and my grandfather was a dentist, so I don’t dislike the dental profession, personally.
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If fluoride is so cheap it can be added to the drinking water why not just give it away to people that WANT it ?
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Fluoride is a toxic by-product of the aluminium industry, which produces vast quantities of the stuff. It doesn’t have many other uses, so if people didn’t disperse it by passing it through their kidneys, the industry would have an expensive disposal problem.
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Flouridation began in the U.S. in 1945. Based on the Literature, there is a direct conection between the prevalence of ADHD and the consumption of flouridated water. The research was published over 5 years ago.
We evaluated 150 adolescents, 50 each from three different areas with water fluoride ranging from < 2.5 ppm to ~ 10 ppm (Scott–Sanchis method). We observed that in ~ 10 ppm group, clinically none had normal Dean fluorosis index and only 4% had above average intelligence scores on Bhatia Battery, as compared to 48% in ~ 5 ppm group.
There were significant differences on one-way ANOVA for attention/concentration (F = 13.879; p = 0.000), verbal memory (F = 36.197; p = 0.000), working memory (F = 3.078; p = 0.014) apart from IQ (F = 12.938; p = 0.000) suggesting the inverse relationship. Further, significant (p < 0.001) spectral progression of psychopathology was evident in domains of ADHD, childhood disruptive mood disorder, persistent defiant disorders, and specific arithmetic scholastic skills disorders.
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