“This Microchip Will Deliver Drugs in Your Body by Remote Control”


Motherboard reports on the pioneering work of biomedical engineer Robert Langer, and his latest work on an implantable chip that can hold hundreds of doses of drugs and be activated by remote control.

“The chips Langer and his team are working on are around two centimetres squared and contain up to 1,000 tiny ‘wells’ you can put different drugs in, each with a little cover,” reports Motherboard. “As the covers are removed, the drug is released. You could put 1,000 doses of the same drug in to be released over time, or different ones.”

This Microchip Will Deliver Drugs in Your Body by Remote Control (Motherboard, February 4, 2015)


    • Steve, I’m convinced that this is already happening. When folks like my daughter are forcibly given Invega ‘depot’ shots, in theory, there is a time release mechanism at play so their bloodstreams are receiving a steady and controlled dose. But I’m convinced that individuals often get irregular influxes of the medication streaming in their bloodstream, perhaps because every person’s metabolism is different; I’ve seen the mania and akathesia that results when they receive a higher than intended dose in a short period. It is not pretty, especially when parents are too shocked to know this behavior for what it is when it happens and doctors are too arrogant to admit iatrogenic harm. Many of us parents think Invega was invented by the Devil.

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      • I am sure you are correct. The whole idea of “depot” shots is disturbingly disempowering and lazy. I am quite sure that they are not able to determine precisely the level of release, as everyone’s body is different. Unfortunately, they have the cover of these subjective “diseases” to blame for anything that goes wrong. It’s pretty disgusting!

        —- Steve

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  1. I felt physically ill reading that – it should strike terror into every human being.
    The potential for abuse and harm is almost infinite, and while many of us here on MIA have managed to escape forced drugging and regain reasonable health, future patients will have no such hope.

    If it happens in my lifetime, I can see that setting foot in a medical practice could cease to be an option for me, because the introduction of such treatment options will indicate the total collapse of medical ethics.

    And in saying this, I am not just referring to psychiatry, I am referring to medicine in general, as the concept of providing humane care, listening, sharing responsibility will have been replaced by the notion that all that counts is medication. It is a dehumanising, demeaning and shameful approach (not to mention potentially fatal in the event of equipment or human failure), even to those who do require regular meds to stay alive.

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