In The Guardian, an anonymous mental health nurse describes how struggling with her own depression has given her new insights into the state of mental health care and the attitudes of her own professional colleagues.
“These days I have to ensure that I’m booked to be seen at my GP practice and worry that my online records will be viewed by others,” the nurse writes. “During my last, and worst, breakdown I had several appointments at a hospital where I’d been a service manager. I’d made it clear that I didn’t want to be seen there but felt so wretched and desperate for help that I went. It was a demoralising and dehumanising experience. A constant flow of staff who I’d worked with walked past me. Those who saw me looked uncomfortable and didn’t acknowledge me. Having to shout through a glass screen because the receptionist couldn’t hear me left me feeling at worst like a criminal and at best like I’d hit rock bottom.”
I work in mental health but colleagues don’t understand my depression (The Guardian, May 11, 2015)