ADHD Stimulant For Binge-eating and Now Also For Menopause?


In, Susan Molchan reviews some of the latest research promoting the use of an ADHD drug to treat loss of executive functions in women during menopause — though, she writes, there’s little evidence that women experience loss of executive functions during menopause, or that this drug could help if they did.

“Women going through menopause also often have problems with sleep,” Molchan writes. “The last thing someone with anxiety and trouble sleeping needs is a stimulant. Nor do older women need a drug that can increase risk of heart arrhythmias, heart attack, and stroke. Nor one that risks abuse and dependence — this one not only has shades of diet drugs from the ‘50s and ‘60s; Vyvanse releases the same dextroamphetamine that was in one of the most popular, Dexedrine.”

Vyvanse – A life cycle drug? Or disease mongering? (, June 25, 2015)


  1. Another example of why a drug centered approach makes so much more sense than a disease centered approach. With a drug centered approach we can give up the disease mongering and perhaps try to understand more clearly what the implications of taking this drug (or any drug) are beyond the first few weeks.
    This a a four week study. The drug had some cognitive effect – as it would on most people. But what happens over time? What are the impacts, as Dr. Molchan raises in her post – on cardiovascular function? How hard is it to stop? Is there diversion? Is there improvement that goes beyond the lab,i.e., does the drug help these women to actually function better in their lives?
    As a commented posted on another blog, it is bizarre that we celebrate the use of stimulants in one setting and vilify them in others (i.e.,with methamphetamine and cocaine).

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    • “The drug had some cognitive effect”
      Yeah, so much for their argument it only causes increased concentration in “ADHD” people.
      It’s a drug and it we don’t need to ask about long-term adverse effect since amphetamines are not exactly new to the market. This is plain stupid and pathetic that pharma is allowed to do that. We are acting as if we never had a problem with these drugs before. Amphetamines and opioids are non-addictive – since when? Who is the insane one here?

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  2. The interesting dilemma here is that pushing these stimulant drugs also increases the risk of serious medical events (high blood pressure, ataxia, increased risk of stroke), especially with age. I was prescribed this “wonder drug” even though my medical history clearly indicates that aortic aneurysm run in the family (my mother had 3 and died from the last). I didn’t see where the risk really outweighed any benefit. It actually seemed reckless considering that I am into my 50’s. Even more interesting is that I know my prescriber at the time was very current on drug information and even helped me taper off of the psyche meds I was on. I have to think this is another outcome of the drug industry misrepresenting the potential and benefits of the toxins they dole out while minimizing the risks.

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