“New Counseling Toolkit Helps Boys and Girls Club Address Kids’ Real-Life Issues”


The staff at Minneapolis’ Southside Village Boys and Girls Club are implementing  a specially targeted free interactive counseling toolkit designed by a team of volunteers at the American Counseling Association (ACA). “We have kids from everywhere,” said Stephanie Siegel, Southside Village program director. “A partnership like this is good for a lot of staff that doesn’t have that training in mental health. It helps them understand where kids are coming from and why they may be acting the way they are.”

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  1. Trojan horse program.

    Just in case a kid slips past the in school counselor without a psychiatric referral they can round them up after school.

    Members of ACA-NY participate in the Rochester NAMI Walk in May 2013

    Calling all counselors, counseling students, counselor educators, and advocates: Please join the American Counseling Association of New York (ACA-NY) as we walk in the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) Metro NYC Walk for the third straight year!
    To start, please join our team. Then start your fundraising and come out to walk with us! Individuals who raise over $100 will earn a NAMI t-shirt !!!

    Google search = “American Counseling Association” NAMI
    About 14,600 results (0.42 seconds)

    NAMI claims it is “the nation’s voice on mental illness” and “a uniquely credible voice.”

    But before you heed their recommendations, which always lead to psychotropic drugs for you or a family member, consider who is behind NAMI.


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