Climate Change Puts Cambodians at Risk of Mental Health Issues


FromĀ Eco-Business: Many Cambodians are still healing from a tragic recent past, from the Lon Nol regime in 1970 to the collapse of the Pol Pot regime in 1979. However,Ā theĀ countryĀ is highly vulnerable to climate change, and Cambodians risk experiencing a mental health relapse as a result.

“According to a recent research commissioned by theĀ American Psychological Association this year,Ā long-term climate change can indirectly cause mental health problems as the changes in weather patterns, storm and rising sea levels put people in danger of experiencing chronic psychological consequences such as trauma and shock, chronic depression, stress disorder and anxiety.

‘High levels of stress and anxiety are also linked to physical health effects, such as a weakened immune system,’ the report explains. ‘Worrying about actual or potential impacts of climate change can lead to stress that can build over time and eventually lead to stress-related problems, such as substance abuse, anxiety disorders and depression.'”

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