Antidepressants: The Big Spin

The heat is on for the Royal College of Psychiatrists. For years now, senior members of the profession have made very public pronouncements that “antidepressants” are safe, non-addictive and life-saving. The mainstream media has given them an easy ride – they are, after all, leaders in their field, trusted for their expert knowledge and integrity. But for how much longer?

As the public mood on antidepressants begins to sour, the Royal College of Psychiatrists will quietly disassociate itself from this stance. It is already happening.

In January 2015, RCPsych uploaded this video to Youtube: Coming off antidepressants

This pithy review by ‘perimele6’ captures the overall tone of people’s comments…

“Why doesn’t this weird little video just come out and admit it: antidepressants are physically addictive and stopping causes awful withdrawal? It’s creepy how this video invokes authority to skirt the issue…”

But catch it while you can because official guidance from the College on this matter is disappearing fast. The commentary on the video ends by saying “To find out more about coming off antidepressants, visit the Royal College of Psychiatrists website.”

And there is a helpful link to the RCPsych Health Advice webpage…

“The resource you’re looking for is not available. It may have been moved or deleted.”

How long before the link to this video goes the same way?

Read more from Auntie here.


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Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.