Teaching Mindfulness to Children: It’s Easier Than You Think!

The following interview is part of a cutting-edge series of video interviews called Parenting Today: Raising Strong, Resilient Kids being aired exclusively on Mad in America.

This series has as its aim educating parents about the current mental disorder paradigm as it relates to children. It also offers many useful tips about how to raise more resilient children and how to become a more skillful parent. In this series of more than thirty interviews, we share information about the diverse resources available to parents, including alternative ones.

We hope that you’ll follow this important series. Mental health advocate Heather Juergensen hosts the interviews, each of which introduces you to an interesting guest speaking on a subject of importance to parents. We hope that you enjoy this series, benefit from it, and decide to alert other parents to its existence!

Today’s guest is Laurie Cousins. Laurie is a certified mindfulness facilitator through the UCLA Mindful Research Center. She is a Research Associate at UCLA Child & Adolescent Mood Disorders Program, facilitating mindfulness-based cognitive therapy groups for research studies with teens and college students. Laurie was trained by Susan Keiser Greenland, founder of the Inner Kids program, and is one of her lead teachers bringing mindful awareness and compassion into education.

She’s honored to be the Mindful Parenting Facilitator for schools like Campbell Hall and Carpenter Community Charter in Los Angeles.  She has recently become a teacher with EvenFlow, a next-generation mindfulness and meditation app. She works privately with families who need effective strategies and support for dealing with attentional, behavioral and emotional challenges.

Links of Interest:

Laurie Cousins’ website

Evenflow app

Parenting Today is produced by Heather Juergensen and Eric Maisel.  To learn more about our individual work, please visit Eric Maisel at http://www.ericmaisel.com and Heather Juergensen at www.thestrongwoman.net. If you’re enjoying this series and find it useful, please tell other parents about it. To learn more about the series please visit https://parentingtoday.me/ and join our community!

Click here for more Parenting Today videos.


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.