From Everything Matters: Beyond Meds: “To Whom It May Concern:
I was a voluntary admit for an acute grief response and PTSD flashback—and was refused treatment by hospital staff—because the entire hospital administration wouldn’t acknowledge my PTSD, in favor of a clinical bias toward bipolar disorder. Every time I talked, they told me I was ‘hyper verbal,’ even when I took five breaths between words. They kept me against my will for five whole days. Case manager Brooke even told me not to meditate, which is very helpful for my long-time stabilized bipolar management.
Medical technician Greg, on the evening of December 29th, ordered forced psychiatric meds in solitary confinement, because I asked to leave my bed for water. This was after he told me I couldn’t leave my bed to urinate. He also gave me a towel and suggested I masturbate.
Once in solitary confinement, without giving me water, medical technician JerMichael told me that ‘once a medical technician orders meds, the nurses have to administer meds,’ which is factually incorrect—only nurses have power to administer medication, not medical techs. Later, when I told JerMichael I had two kids, he said, ‘Quit lying to me man. You can’t hustle a hustler.‘”