Hundreds of Children Stuck in IL Psych Hospitals Despite State’s Promises to Find Them Homes


From ProPublica Illinois: “Two years ago, officials from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services vowed to rescue the children they called ‘stuck kids’ — those in state care who had languished in psychiatric hospitals for weeks and sometimes months after doctors had cleared them for release because the agency could not find them proper homes.

But children continue to be held at psychiatric hospitals long after they are ready for discharge, a practice our reporting showed leaves them feeling isolated and alone, falling behind in school and at risk of being sexually and physically abused during prolonged hospitalization . . .

‘There’s not a whole lot that tells a kid you don’t matter [more] than keeping a kid locked up in a psychiatric ward for no reason whatsoever other than there’s nowhere to place them for months on end,’ [Cook County Public Guardian Charles] Golbert said.”

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  1. This is sick.
    We need critical psychiatry to ACT and act NOW.
    Or else we can no longer believe anything that critical psychiatry
    has to offer. It is utter pretense to suggest they are powerless.

    A bunch of grown adults who talk critical yet refuse to stand up and protect
    children of nations. Everyone is cowering, the biggest embarrassment to think
    of humans as caring and reasonable. We could all get together and approach governments
    for immediate release and the stopping of drugging, WHICH of course has to be overseen
    by those who know what withdrawal is.

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  2. Why is there no mention of drugs? These people are monsters. Journalists need to do their job properly. This should read:

    But children continue to be held at psychiatric hospitals long after they are ready for discharge, a practice our reporting showed leaves them feeling isolated and alone, falling behind in school and at risk of being sexually and physically abused during prolonged hospitalization and being kept on brain damaging drugs that are used to cause neurological impairments in an attempt to control behavior.

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