From Rethinking Psychiatry: SUNDAY, Nov. 1st, 2020,Ā 2-4 pm, PST on Zoom
Voyce Hendrix, Clinical Director of the original Soteria House in San Jose, CA, explains:
- Being with, not doing to.
- The importance of community.
- Complementary and symmetrical relationships.
“Soteria House: Alternative care to mainstream mental health model of involuntary hospitalization.
Soteria House was an experiment to allow people dealing with a first break, acutely psychotic experience to avoid hospitalization and instead live in a 6-bed, supportive home-like residential setting to recover.
Recovery for residents was supported through innovative, no or low-dose drug therapy, while being supported in exploring the meaning of their experience. Residents’ stays were from 6 months to two years. The experiment lasted 12 years and was very successful. It was very cost-effective and considerably less than the cost of hospitalization treatment.Ā
The founder and research director of Soteria House (1972-1990) was Dr. Loren Mosher. Dr. Mosher was a highly esteemed psychiatrist and the first chief of NIMH’s (National Institute of Mental Health) Center for Studies of Schizophrenia for 12 years. He also served as first editor-in-chief of Schizophrenia Bulletin. Dr. Mosher died on July 10, 2004.
Voyce Hendrix worked at Soteria the entire time, becoming the clinical director and executive director. His knowledge is vast and his wisdom is deep.”