More Parents Seek ADHD Diagnosis and Drugs for Kids to Manage Remote Learning


From NBC News: “Athenahealth, a technology company that creates practice management software for health care providers,Ā published research in May, drawing on data from its customers, that showed an increase in patients ages 13 to 17 who received new diagnoses of ADHD. From the week of March 9 to the week of March 30, the proportion of visits by teenagers that involved first-time ADHD diagnoses rose by 67 percent. There was a similar spike among teenagers ā€” particularly boys ā€” who received prescriptions for ADHD medicines for the first time.

The cases also seem to have picked up in recent months, said psychologist Keith Sutton, director of the Bay Area Center for ADD/ADHD. He said he had a ‘sharp increase’ in inquiries during the fallĀ . . .

‘I’m watching kids who used to love school become unenthused and unmotivated,’ said [Dr. Jenny] Radesky, who said she was worried about the long-term impact of virtual learning. ‘They need the social environment at school to learn how to regulate themselves. Without that, they are really struggling.'”

Article ā†’


  1. If a kid doesnā€™t like school they need dopamine stimulants such as meth.

    If a kid likes school and struggles with itā€™s closure they need dopamine stimulants such as meth.

    If an adult hates their job and hates cleaning the house they need dopamine stimulants such as meth.

    If an adult is too enthusiastic/energetic about their job they need dopamine stimulants such as meth.

    If people refuse the drugs they are claimed to be mentally defective and stupid and forced to take the drugs.

    Itā€™s A Brave New world where every problem is ā€œsolvedā€ by drugging people.

    Though if someone takes dopamine stimulants like meth for fun everyone yells that they are destroying their life. They then get jailed in a counterproductive attempt to force them to stop taking the drugs.

    What a society…

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  2. From the article:
    “I know it’s super controversial sometimes. But I’ve been medicated for a long time, and I can’t function without taking it,” McLaughlin said. “If I don’t take my medication, I see an immediate difference in my ability to manage complex tasks, clean the house, get up and cook dinner. So I’m hoping it will have the same effect on her.”

    Yes, you can use amphetamines to help you get up, clean the house, maintain focus, study, do long-haul truck driving, etc. For a while. Then you become acclimatised/addicted and need it to do those tasks. If you stop taking it your capacities fall apart. That doesn’t mean you have ADHD though. It means you’re an addict. Please don’t send your daughter down the same road.

    She’ll probably come good by herself when she and her remote learning program better adapt to each other or when face-to-face teaching recommences. In the meantime offer her compassion and support, not diagnoses and drugs.

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