April 18: Staff, Former Residents of Soteria Vermont to Give Online Talk for Rethinking Psychiatry


From Rethinking Psychiatry: “On Sunday, April 18, at 10 a.m. Pacific Time, Rethinking Psychiatry will host an online talk from the groundbreaking Soteria program. Soteria Houses are therapeutic community residences for people experiencing extreme states. Staff and former residents will discuss how Soteria House offers a complete paradigm shift to helping people experiencing what mainstream psychiatry calls ‘psychosis.’

. . . There is no doubt that we need alternatives to psychiatric hospitalization and that the status quo is not working for many people. Surveys by Mad in America and Rethinking Psychiatry have shown that many people report that hospitalization did far more harm than good, and some reported that they experience abuse, assault and other major traumas while psychiatrically hospitalized. Multiple studies have shown that patients who were discharged from psychiatric hospitalization are at higher risk of suicide.  

While some people are helped by psychiatric hospitalization (including a small percentage of the participants in the above surveys), there is no doubt that we need alternatives to hospitalization. We know that a better way is possible. We look forward to hearing staff and former residents share the successes and challenges of Soteria Vermont.”

Announcement →


  1. Holy cannoli! That presentation was FANTASTIC!

    And, there were participants from the former Soteria Alaska, the Soteria Network UK, Soteria Israel, and special guest Voyce Hendrix of the original Soteria House!

    If you didn’t get to be on Zoom live, you can watch the recording. It’s at Rethinking Psychiatry’s YouTube channel, at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDLCAeReWEKv8zMaKwACUtQ/videos

    While there, you might also want to watch Voyce Hendrix’s most excellent talk he gave for Rethinking Psychiatry in November (2020), and many other talks critiquing the mental health system and sharing alternatives!

    Stay tuned for a talk by Susan Musante of Soteria Alaska in May 2021 and one about Soteria Israel in June. (They have TEN Soteria Houses now and plan to have 130 within 2 years!!!!)

    Then, in August, join Rethinking Psychiatry for a Peer Respite / Soteria House Summer Summit! We will have breakout sessions that include how to bring Peer Respite or Soteria House to YOUR community!

    To get notice of these upcoming events, sign up for Rethinking Psychiatry’s newsletter at http://www.rethinkingpsychiatry.org

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