Surviving Race: Intersection on Injustice, Disability and Human Rights – Dialogues and Retreat 2021


From Open Excellence/Surviving Race: “The Surviving Race Dialogues in Savannah, Georgia are coming up August 30ā€“September 2, in response to the increased visibility of structural racism, systemic oppression, and police violence. Surviving Race will convene advocates, artists, educators, peer supporters, psychiatric survivors, and white allies to 1) Acknowledge, celebrate, and integrate the legacy of hope, resiliency and vision forged by our ancestors; 2) Examine the impact of structural racism, systemic oppression, and police violence on health disparities and racial trauma experienced by Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC); and 3) Co-create future strategies and implementation steps to counter structural racism, systemic oppression, and police violence against BIPOC.

We are so grateful to those who responded so generously to the call for donations. Itā€™s not too late to contribute to the success of this important work. For more information on how to donate, please contact Celia Brown and visit our website. Thank you!”