Break Down. Wake Up. podcast – 001 – Practicing Inner Truth in a Polarized World With Kassi Underwood


How experiencing both an abortion and motherhood inspired an approach to activism that transcends ideological divisions.

Kassi and I discuss how her abortion as a teenager led to a personal discovery journey. In her memoir, May Cause Love, Kassi dares to share a story that transcends the political divide surrounding abortion. She now teaches some of the inner work she developed over these years to leaders around the world. You can find out more about Kassi and her work, The Practice, at and check out her memoir, May Cause Love, at  If you like what you’ve heard and want to be part of our podcast community, participate in special events, or discover the wisdom waking up in your own breakdown, check out our website at

The Break Down. Wake Up. Season 1 podcast is sponsored by JAEC Foundation: Rethinking Mental Health.