Break Down. Wake Up. podcast – 004 – Embracing the Unknown…not Alone With Robert Stamboliev


How a period of chaos and blackouts brought an international trainer to his own vulnerability and nudged him to stop doing everything on his own.

After a long career in coaching and leading his business, Robert Stamboliev began to have unusual experiences and felt like he was losing control over himself, his business, and his health. He ended up applying his own coaching methodology to his own crisis situation, to better understand what he was afraid of and taking care of his needs.

In this episode, we explore the importance of listening and taking care of our fears and vulnerabilities in a crisis situation, while at the same time relaxing into the unknown. We also discuss how what people have become good at in their lives may not actually be their intrinsic talent. You can find out more about Robert by visiting

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The Break Down. Wake Up. Season 1 podcast is sponsored by JAEC Foundation: Rethinking Mental Health.