Peter Gøtzsche’s Video Interviews on Psychiatry


Here are recent interviews by Peter Gøtzsche on his site Broken Medical Science. including a recent interview with Jim Gottstein.

The STAR*D Scandal

Why Forced Treatment With Antipsychotics Must Be Stopped

Interview With Jim Gottstein on Forced Treatment

Why Electroshock Will Likely Be Abandoned



  1. For a medical science that is broken, you’re putting allot of energy into it Peter. Are you hoping to finish breaking it, or are you hoping by exerting your rational criticism to an essentially egoistic, instinctual, acquisitive, greedy psychiatry, psychopharmacology and medical industry it’s spontaneously going to reform itself? Now that would be magic! And if you believe this has any hope whatsoever perhaps you should reconsider your opposition to psychiatry and book yourself in to the nearest secure unit. I know it is at first glance an intellectually despairing point of view I am offering, but that’s an illusion. You are on the despairing side of the fence, hence your despair and that of Robert Whittaker and every other computer brain smashing itself against the opposite fence of psychiatry. tHE FENCE THAT SEPERATES ME AND YOU IS MADE OF PSYCHOSIS AND MAJIC MUSHROOMS>
    bY THE WAY, eckhart Tolle is a product of formidable evil, was captured by that evil, instrumentalized by that evil and has manifested that evil on Earth. His work is at one with the demonic movement in politics and business in America, and you will know a demonic actor by observing their uncontrollable and compulsive vampiric grifting off of people they consciously or unconsciously destroy. Few demonic actors know they are demonic actors, and few people understand the demonic realms and activities operating in human life, but the karma is coming for you Tolle, the karma is here. All grifting vampires who make themselves important, powerful and rich are unconsciously or consciously these demonic actors, and the attract and engage people and engage with them on the astral and energetic planes and deposit mind-forms as demonic attachments which harvest energy from you and that if not removed will feast on your energy for eternity. This corresponds to the architypal image of the demon feasting on it’s victim and in it’s cultural representation as the vampire. Seeing what is as it is all the time is destroyed when you follow a teacher. If you follow you are not trusting yourself to observe and understand your life and therefore it will not transform in the real way, and therefore he stalls and prevents the spiritual flowering of millions which obviously can only take place naturally and in freedom, for it is a movement of intelligence and energy that knows what needs to be done and wordlessly labours to accomplish it. If the ego or a teacher is directing or influencing the brain then this seriously endangers or more likely destroys any possibility of this process taking place. Tolle never embarked on the total process of self-understanding known and advocated by the Buddha or Jiddu Krishnamurti who were the two great sages of the ultimate truth. He is a demonic entity dragging everyone he knows and everyone he captures into the flames. You have been warned. Seek the truth yourself because every spiritual teacher is destructive today. They have made a grave mistake as human beings owing to their conditioning by the history and traditions within the religious traditions based on authorities and teachers, even though this history and tradition has reached the end of it’s legitimacy some line decades ago. Now the whole of America has been captured by demonic, vampiric entities and is plunging into the flames of it’s own uncontrollable greed and hatred. Good people should have passports, good people meaning those who care about the whole of humanity, regardless of race or culture, and the whole of Mother Earth who is dying before our eyes all around us. There are few such people among us, and the others are already captured and must be abandoned to their fate WHICH HOPEFULLY INCLUDES SOME MAGIC MUSHROOMS AND MESCALINE AND DMT CUZ IF YOU TAKE THEM OFTEN ENOUGH AND SURVIVE YOU WILL SEE. Or you could just see now but probably you’d find it too unpleasant and boring until you have something cool to see like a vast and happy seashore where all the pebbles are variously gold, glass, jade, amber, marble, amethyst etc etc and there are transluscent spirit murmades drifting out from the astral world in the sky and into the sea and back again in order to communicate between mother and father innit kaninet dinit blinit. A caveman did that one.

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  2. Unfortunately due to other claims he’s made that are false any valid criticism here is also made invalid simply by proxy , including people like this only hurts the cause for a real change in psychiatry overall

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  3. I had to comment on ECT, the subject which is in the John Reed interview “Why electroshock will likely be abandoned”

    I always get blow-back when commenting criticism on psychiatry, but in the case of electroshock I am willing to endure whatever comes .

    Writing this comment to remember Elsie Tindle age 71 killed by ECT.

    “Miss Tindle (without a second doctors agreement) had three (involuntary) sessions of ECT on February 27, March 6 and March 10, returning to Sunderland (prison-hospital) after each one. ”

    “Woman died after NHS electric shock therapy was given without consent or second opinion”
    Coroner Derek Winter has expressed concern after the death of Elsie Tindle

    pathologist Dr Nigel Cooper, who performed the post-mortem on Miss Tindle, concluded the formal cause of death as anoxic-ischemic brain damage, due to status epilepticus, due to electroconvulsive therapy.

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