Drug Commonly Prescribed to Veterans Could be Making Suicidal Thoughts Worse


From FOX 17 News Nashville: “A FOX 17 News investigation found a drug treating PTSD in our veterans could be killing them. Prazosin is a blood pressure medication commonly prescribed to treat PTSD nightmares. Only two drugs are approved by the FDA to treat PTSD, and Prazosin is not one of them. […]

Dr. Vaughn McCall of Augusta University recently did a study on the drug. He found responses like Sgt. Chapman’s aren’t uncommon.

‘We found that not only did the Prazosin not seem to do much as an advantage to the suicidal ideation, it seemed to reduce the degree of improvement that we see in the nightmares and the general sleep disturbance,’ Dr. McCall said.

He said patients who took a placebo saw more of an improvement.

‘It makes me pause and, at a minimum, I would hesitate giving Prazosin to a suicidal patient with PTSD,’ Dr. McCall said.”

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  1. It’s too bad there’s been no comments in the 5 days this story has been posted here at MiA….
    Has the fact that it’s about Military Veterans scared away the usual crowd of MiA readers and commenters?
    You often hear about “22 veteran suicides per day”, or some such headline in various mass media.
    But what you will rarely if ever hear about, is the *FACT* that MOST of those suicides are in older Veterans,
    who have been seen by several psychiatrists, and given multiple psych drugs. The Docs even call them “meds’, or “medications”, which more than just a euphemism, – it’s fraudulent and deceptive LIE. Because either the Veterans suicided BECAUSE of the drugs, or else in spite of the drugs…. It MUST be one or the other. WHICH is it?…. Does psychiatry and psych drugs only FAIL to prevent Veterans suicides, or else actually CAUSE Veterans suicides? Come ON, “American Psychiatric Association”, and PhRMA, *TELL* the *TRUTH*!…. *DO* *IT* *NOW*!….

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    • Wile the stories are pretty good today this website gets tiring with all the NAMI style stigma fighting articles and the NWO version of liberalism talking points. Use up my energy on articles like the one next to this calling for more mental health funding in Montana and more ‘caseworkers’ government agents with the power of the state guided by psychiatry getting into peoples lives.

      Anyway if you want to do activism on veteran suicides a comment here is not worth as much as maybe signing up for a message board used by veterans and posting this article. Posting stuff on twitter tags related to veterans ect. Target the audience and get views and the message out.

      That message board City-Data in the politics and contaversies forum a topic “Are Psychiatric drugs causing more suicides” post information and let them have at it. I got 8,000 + views on a thread about child drugging in schools in the education forum and its still going.

      Thats how its done.

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    • Wile the stories are pretty good today this website gets tiring with all the NAMI style stigma fighting articles and the NWO version of liberalism talking points. Use up my energy on articles like the one next to this calling for more mental health funding in Montana and more ‘caseworkers’ government agents with the power of the state guided by psychiatry getting into peoples lives.

      Don’t really feel like doing comments here anymore. Whats my comment going to do the article already blames the drugs.

      Anyway if you want to do activism on veteran suicides a comment here is not worth as much as maybe signing up for a message board used by veterans and posting this article. Posting stuff on twitter tags related to veterans ect. Target the audience and get views and the message out.

      That message board City-Data in the politics and controversies forum a topic “Are Psychiatric drugs causing more suicides” post information and let them have at it. I predict at least several hundred views. And then what happens some of those people woke and make comments on stories they find.

      I got 8,000 + views on a thread about child drugging in schools in the education forum and its still going.

      That’s how its done.

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