NHS to Tackle Elderly Over-Medication With 200 New Pharmacists


From PharmaTimes: “The NHS has announced plans to recruit an ‘army’ of experts to tackle over-medication in care homes, with many already in place.

The pharmacists and pharmacy technicians will prevent care home residents from being given too many medicines as part of a package of measures to improve older people’s health and care in the NHS Long Term Plan.

Currently, care home residents are prescribed an average of seven medicines a day, with many taking 10 or more, costing the NHS an estimated £250 million each year.

Due to concerns about the over-medication, the 200 new clinical pharmacists and pharmacy technicians will support care home residents to improve their quality of life, cut hospital stays and reduce over-medication.”

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  1. “The recruits are part of a wider £20 million programme to reduce unnecessary medication of patients and make sure they are getting the right treatment that is being rolled out across the country.”

    So is the goal to “reduce unnecessary medication” or “make sure they are getting the right treatment that is being rolled out across the country?” In other words, make sure the elderly are on the newest, most expensive drugs? Pardon my cynicism, but we already know how big Pharma plays the game.

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