Hallucination in the General Population
Investigating the prevalence and types of hallucination-like experiences (HLEs) in a sample of 437 young adults, researchers in Italy, Belgium, the U.K. and Denmark found...
Sensitivity to Threatening Faces Predicts Depression
Researchers in China found that among 27 young adults with early-onset major depressive disorder matched against 25 healthy controls, MRI detected elevated response in...
Environmental Factors Drive Mania
Harvard researchers investigated 6,214 cases of major depression for factors that would predict transition to bipolar disorder. Clinical characteristics such as age of onset...
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments in Psychiatry
Go to "Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments in Psychiatry" → ...
First Aid for Emotional Trauma
Handout by Will Hall, offered on the Icarus Project website, on what emotional trauma is and how to work to heal it.
Go to "First...
Sensitivity to Anxiety is Related to Psychiatric Multimorbidity
Researchers in Israel found that sensitivity to the physical and psychological experiences of anxiety was strongly correlated with PTSD, depression, anxiety disorder, panic attacks,...
PTSD Mediates Overall Mental and Physical Health
Researchers from the University of Hawaii found that PTSD was associated with severity of depression, substance use, and overall mental and physical health in...
Early Environment Influences Schizophrenia Independent of Genetic Risk
Canadian researchers found that childhood adversity and other environmental factors such as family instability and cannabis use was associated with the development of schizophrenia,...
Childhood Adversity Changes Stress-Related Gene Expression
Researchers in Rhode Island and New Hampshire examined 99 healthy adults for changes related to stress hormones, and asked about their childhood attachment experiences....
1 in 4 Adults With a Mental Illness Has Been A Victim of Violence...
In a meta-analysis funded by the World Health Organization and published in The Lancet, studies of 21,500 disabled individuals from Australia, Canada, New Zealand,...
Deficits in Psychosis Linked To Childhood Trauma Via Brain Changes
In a study of 83 patients and 63 controls, researchers in Norway and the U.K. investigated deficits in attention, concentration, language and verbal intelligence...
Paranoid Symptoms Arise From Social Phobia/Trauma
In a 10-year longitudinal study of 3021 participants, researchers in The Netherlands, U.K., Germany and Switzerland find that paranoid symptoms are associated with social...
Schizophrenia, Trauma and The Immune System
To test the hypothesis that a heightened immune system response associated with schizophrenia is also associated with childhood trauma, researchers in Ireland looked at...
Psychosis Overlaps With Anxiety and Depression
In a representative community sample of 3021 adolescents and young adults, researchers in The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and the U.K. found that 27% of...
Childhood Maltreatment Reduces Hippocampal Volume
Researchers at Harvard University, in the largest and most detailed study on the topic to date, found that childhood maltreatment is significantly associated with...
Responding to Madness With Loving Receptivity: a Practical Guide
In my last three blogs I posed the question- "If madness isn't what psychiatry says it is, then what is it?" Now I'm asking-...
Voice Hearing as a Dissociative Rather Than Psychotic Phenomenon
Researchers in England review in depth the evidence for voice hearing as dissociation, rather than psychosis, and suggest that voice hearing is a common...
Adverse Childhood Events Contribute Significantly to Most Mental Health Problems
John Read and Richard Bentall write in the British Journal of Psychiatry about the growing understanding and acceptance of the significant role adverse childhood...
Stress Associated With Brain Shrinkage in Healthy People
In studies of healthy people experiencing stress, Yale researchers found tissue loss in brain areas regulating emotion, self-control and other behaviors.
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Early Trauma, Social Stress Accompany Psychosis
Researchers at Emory University find that childhood trauma, sensitivity to psychosocial stress and a heightened biological response to stress are associated with the onset...
Evidence That Sadness When Bereaved is Not Illness
While the DSM-IV recognizes that depressive symptoms are sometimes normal in bereaved individuals, this "Bereavement Exclusion" is targeted for elimination from the DSM-V. However...