“More Patients in Scotland Given Antidepressants”

The BBC reports that the number of people in Scotland taking antidepressants has increased by 5% in the past year with most of the patients being women and those in the poorest parts of the country. “We are now looking at the flabbergasting statistic of more than one in seven people in Scotland being prescribed antidepressants this year,” Conservative health spokesman Jackson Carlaw said. “We urgently have to look at better alternatives than simply parking people on medication in the hope things don't get any worse, with no aspiration for complete recovery."

Dateline NBC to Cover Child Psychiatric Overmedication Epidemic This Sunday

This Sunday, June 12 at 7pm (EDT) on NBCs Dateline will cover MIA author Steve Francesco's book, Overmedicated and Undertreated: How I Lost My...

“Illness Inflation”

The Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel presents an interactive infographic detailing the pharmaceutical industry’s involvement in the promotion of several psychiatric disorders, including adult ADHD, binge-eating...

“The Hidden Harms of Antidepressants”

In a new article for Scientific American, Diana Kwon reports on how the true risks for suicide and aggression in children and teens taking...

Did the No Child Left Behind Act Boost ADHD Diagnosing?

The increasing use of psychiatric medications in toddlers, particularly of stimulants for ADHD, is explored by journalist Josiah Hesse on Substance.com. Looking into possible...

“Maybe Oregon Shooting and Others Aren’t About Mental Illness”

Matthew Cooper, writing for Newsweek, reports that despite the preponderance of political rhetoric about “mental illness” after mass shootings, a review of the research suggests that the connection between mental health and gun violence is dubious.

“How James Bond is Helping Mental Health Diagnosis”

“The paper, The  psychopathology of James Bond, and its implications for the revision of the DSM-007, has just won first prize in the Australian Medical Journal's...