Recent Advances In Understanding Mental Illness and Psychotic Experiences

Report from June of 2000 by the British Psychological Society Recent Advances In Understanding Mental Illness and Psychotic Experiences              ...

The Lancet Weighs in on DSM-V “Grief-as-Illness.”

In a lead editorial, The Lancet took the position that the proposed revision to the DSM that would modify the exclusion for bereavement "is not...

Humor As Effective As Medication in Treating Agitation in Dementia

In "the first major study of the impact of humour therapy on mood, agitation, behavioural disturbances and social engagement in dementia," researchers in Australia...

No Evidence For Antidepressants in Depression With Dementia

In a review and meta-analysis of double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomly-assigned trials of antidepressants marketed in the U.S., researchers at the University of California failed to...

Vitamin D Benefits Depressed Adolescents

Low levels of vitamin D were found in a sample of 54 depressed Swedish adolescents, with a positive correlation between vitamin D and well-being....

Sensitivity to Anxiety is Related to Psychiatric Multimorbidity

Researchers in Israel found that sensitivity to the physical and psychological experiences of anxiety was strongly correlated with PTSD, depression, anxiety disorder, panic attacks,...

Adolescents at Risk for Psychosis Do Worse On Antipsychotics

In a study of 53 adolescents at risk for psychosis, researchers from Canada and the U.S. looked at treatment with antidepressants, antipsychotics, and no...

ADHD Overtreated in Relatively Younger Children

An 11-year study of 937,943 children in British Columbia found that boys who were relatively younger than their classmates were 41% more likely to...

Rise of Antipsychotics in Children

Researchers at Johns Hopkins explore the use of antipsychotics in children, finding a dramatic rise in off-label prescribing with little oversight or research into...

Risk of Death in the Elderly Trebled With Antipsychotics

In a nine-year study of all 2,224 residents of Leppävirta, Finland who were 65 years old or older, researchers found that the 332 residents...

Psychotropics Accelerate Cognitive and Functional Decline

Researchers at Johns Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic, Harvard Medical School, Duke and others found in a study of 230 Alzheimer's patients tracked over four...

Early Environment Influences Schizophrenia Independent of Genetic Risk

Canadian researchers found that childhood adversity and other environmental factors such as family instability and cannabis use was associated with the development of schizophrenia,...

Oxytocin Improves Emotion Recognition in Schizophrenia

Oxytocin, a natural hormone with a role in social behaviors, has been shown to improve social behaviors in people with autistic spectrum disorders and...

Antidepressant Use Associated with Brain Atrophy and Lesions in Elderly

In a study of 630 elderly Manhattanites without dementia, researchers from the Netherlands found that antidepressant use was associated with significantly more brain atrophy,...

Review of Evidence for Non-Pharmacological Treatment of Depressive Disorders

Researchers in Germany review and evaluate the evidence for non-pharmacological treatment of depressive disorders, finding an "adequate level of evidence" for psychotherapeutic intervention, marital/couples/family...

Serotonin and Depression: A Disconnect Between the Advertisements and the Scientific Literature

MIA bloggers Jonathan Leo and Jeffrey Lacasse review the Serotonin Hypothesis as represented in advertising and as verified in scientific literature, finding a disturbing...

Mental Illness Mortality is Climbing

Mortality rates in schizophrenia and bipolar patients in the year after hospitalization were about double the national average and rising, according to this study...

EEG Shows That Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Improves Brain Function in Bipolar Disorder

In a study of 12 patients with bipolar disorder and 9 controls, researchers found that after an 8-week training in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy...

Deficits in Psychosis Linked To Childhood Trauma Via Brain Changes

In a study of 83 patients and 63 controls, researchers in Norway and the U.K. investigated  deficits in attention, concentration, language and verbal intelligence...

The Depression Diagnosis Under Scrutiny

Researchers in Denmark find that the diagnosis of depression in the DSM-IV contains at least 1,497 possible combinations of symptoms, with the potential for...

Paranoid Symptoms Arise From Social Phobia/Trauma

In a 10-year longitudinal study of 3021 participants, researchers in The Netherlands, U.K., Germany and Switzerland find that paranoid symptoms are associated with social...

Schizophrenia, Trauma and The Immune System

To test the hypothesis that a heightened immune system response associated with schizophrenia is also associated with childhood trauma, researchers in Ireland looked at...

Antipsychotics for Dementia: Not Justified and Risky

In a study of antipsychotics used to treat 75,445 patients in nursing homes in the United States, researchers from Harvard Medical School, Columbia and...

Better Recovery and Less Relapse Without Meds: A 20-Year Study

Researchers at the University of Illinois College of Medicine found, in a 20-year prospective study of 139 psychotic patients, that patients had a far...

Psychosis as a Basic “Disturbance of Self”

Researchers in Australia and the U.K. found that a basic disruption of the sense of ownership of one's experience and a lack of self-agency...