“Punish People, Not Just Corporations”

Drug makers have faced large fines for unethical and harmful practices but have simply treated these as a cost of doing business. Ed Silverman reports...

“Regulating the Intersection of Health Care and Gun Control”

-Attorney Charles Kels analyzes recent legislation requiring health care providers to disclose mental health information about patients to government.

“When Pills Are the Problem”

In the context of the Silicon Valley suicides, one mother offers her story about her daughter. “It’s my premise that not only the culture of Silicon Valley, but also, almost more importantly, the nature of the remedies that are being proposed in the name of mental health counseling, are to blame in these deaths.”

Outrage Over Biotech Party Objectifying Women

“Two prominent women in the biotech community were so appalled by reports about a party at J.P. Morgan featuring scantily clad models that they've...

Opposition to Murphy Bill Gains Traction in the House

The Murphy bill, which aims to defund or restructure federal initiatives on mental illness such as SAMHSA, as well as promote wider use of involuntary care...

“How to Stop Violence”

Slate magazine chalks up one for the argument that "Mentally ill people aren’t killers. Angry people are . . . Violence is not a product...

The Dangers of Screening Without a Diagnostic Method

A blog post from AbleChild raises questions about efforts in Connecticut to expand psychiatric screening and treatments for children and youth. "Since the...

Media “Suicide by Cop” Portrayals Add to Misunderstanding

A study in Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior finds that representations of "Suicide by Cop" (SBC) in the media misrepresent the reality of people who...

Half of New Zealanders Not Comfortable Having a New Neighbor with a Mental Illness

-The 2014 New Zealand General Social Survey showed many New Zealanders feel more comfortable having neighbors with different sexual orientations or from minority groups than with mental illness.

Is Health Information Security Dead?

-The director of the Office for Civil Rights discusses the latest wave of data breaches of American citizens' health information.