Conflicts of Interest Questioned in Royal College of Psychiatry’s Participation in Government-Led Mental Health...
From: James Moore, antidepressant withdrawal sufferer, on behalf of the 30 other signatories to today’s letter.
London, UK – A fellow of the Royal College...
Thirty Mental Health Experts Write to Secretary of State About ‘Unprofessional’ Conduct of the...
0 mental health experts write to Secretary of State about 'unprofessional' conduct of the UK Royal College of Psychiatry
UK Royal College Dismisses Complaint
Royal College of Psychiatry Refuses to Retract Misleading Statement about Antidepressant Withdrawal and Dismisses Complaint
Psychiatrist Dr. Niall McLaren writes to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of...
What appears to be an attempt to "close down" the public debate is arguably a serious breach the duty of medical professionals to hold themselves to public account for their actions, particularly when the public pays our salaries.
Antidepressant Anarchy in the UK
In this blog, I want to give some personal reflections on the events of the last few weeks in relation to the Lancet antidepressant meta-analysis and the lodging of a formal complaint with the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists. The issue of antidepressant withdrawal has been brought into the public eye in the UK like never before. What happens next will be very interesting.
Responses from Rethinking Psychiatry to Jason Renaud’s Op-Ed
To the Editor:
I’m sorry to see that you did not wait to get feedback from Marcia Meyers and the Rethinking Psychiatry core group before...