Deadly Prescriptions: New Study Links Antipsychotics to Life-Threatening Risks in Dementia Patients
With pharmaceutical companies pushing antipsychotics for off-label use, dementia patients are being put at risk for devastating health consequences. Research suggests safer alternatives exist—but why aren’t they being prioritized?
Observational Studies Confirm Trial Results That Antidepressants Double Suicides
Depression drugs don’t work, and they increase suicide.
Schizophrenia in Philosophy and Theology
From Socrates to Jesus to Nietzsche, all experienced divine Beatific Visions, just as I have.
Psychiatry, Capitalism, and the Industrial Machine
Psychiatry, under the guise of science, tries to identify and manage those who deviate from industrial society's norms.
Default Depression—How We Now Interpret Distress as Mental Illness
The Situational Approach provides an alternative to the poor outcomes seen with the medicalisation of distress.
Kyrie Therapeutic Farm: Distress Understood as Part of the Human Condition
KTF aims to combine supportive community, holistic care, and meaningful opportunities for participating in a natural farm setting.
Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms Linked to Life-Altering Consequences, New Study Shows
A new study reveals that withdrawal symptoms from antidepressants can last years, disrupting lives and relationships.
Beyond Techniques: The Common Factors That Drive Healing
Common factors, rather than the intricacies of any single modality, are the real engine of therapeutic transformation.
“There’s No Word for Depression in Zulu”: Inside South Africa’s Mental Health Crisis
High levels of childhood adversity interact with violent crime, poverty, and lack of access to education.
Kids Are Not the Problem: An Interview With Gretchen LeFever Watson
In this interview, Brooke Siem, who is the author of a memoir on antidepressant withdrawal, May Cause Side Effects, interviews Gretchen LeFever Watson, PhD.
I Am Looking for People I Miss
It’s a community of like-minded people; we should stick together. Maybe, hopefully, I will find my hospital friends.
The Ouija Board and the Skeptic
Skepticism, especially from those with lived experience, is necessary. It forces us to question whether our tools and methods truly help.
Guided Dreaming Can Transform Psychosocial Issues: 11 Case Studies
Dreaming problem-solves various waking concerns creatively through memory consolidation and emotional processing.
Schizophrenia and Homosexuality: My Experience and Case Studies
During my confinement, I became convinced that the forced repression of my homosexuality was the true etiology of my schizophrenia.
Reframing Antipsychotic Discontinuation: A Psychiatrist’s Personal and Professional Call for Epistemic Justice
A psychiatrist with lived experience advocates for a more humane, collaborative approach to antipsychotic discontinuation that respects diverse ways of knowing.
Peer Support and Resistance: Becky Brasfield’s Vision for Mental Health Justice
In this interview with Ayurdhi Dhar, Becky Brasfield calls for radical truth-telling in the mental health system.
Summing up the STAR*D Scandal: The Public was Betrayed, Millions were Harmed, and the...
American psychiatry, the NIMH, the larger medical community, and mainstream media have betrayed the American public by failing to make this scandal known.
From Auctions to Moral Treatment
In less than 25 years Oregon moved from auctioning off the “care” of the "insane" to the lowest bidder to creating a safe place focused on recovery.
Mad in America’s 10 Most Popular Articles in 2024
A roundup of Mad in America's most read blogs and personal stories of 2024 as chosen by our readers.
Modern Psychology and Its Colonial Legacy
I question the modern rhetoric of ‘primitive’ cultures not having enough ‘knowledge’ about mental health and needing to be ‘educated’.
Who Can Consent to Research—and What Does That Mean for Forced Treatment?
What the doctors are not seeing is the health in people—except when it’s convenient for them and their research projects.
The Fallacy of Modern Psychiatry: Treating Symptoms, Ignoring Causes
To truly understand a person’s actions and behaviors, one must ask: What was this person exposed to? What did they experience?
Mental Illness Prophesies Society’s Spiritual Sickness
The rising prevalence of mental illness in the west is a warning to society to take a good, hard look at itself.
Set, Setting, Forgetting: Silence on Abuse in Psychedelic Therapy Histories
The failure to address therapist abuse in MDMA-AT perpetuates a dangerous silence that distorts the field's history and compromises future practice.
Exile: My Cure for Psychosis
Psychiatry infantilizes the patient. Living in exile allows formerly psychotic people to achieve mature, healthy independence.