Hope for Everyone

I am a very optimistic psychologist, but with reason. For 25 years I've been working with people who have had psychological problems in every conceivable area. Many psychologists have problems with burnout, especially early in their careers. For me, this has been very different. By using the treatment techniques that I do, I feel anti-burned out. It is so gratifying to see people get out of their serious problems, that I look forward to every day of clinical work.

Do We Need More Hospital Beds?

In an article published by the Treatment Advocacy Center, The Shortage of Public Hospital Beds for Mentally Ill Persons, the authors (D. J. Jaffe and E. Fuller Torrey) present the idea that we have far too few hospital beds in this country, and because of that there has been a dramatic shift towards the diversion of people labeled with mental illness into prisons and homelessness. Their answer to this issue is that we should radically increase the amount of hospital beds and we should also dramatically increase our reliance on outpatient treatment in the form of mandated involuntary medication programs. As many people know here, the TAC has been highly influential politically and the authors of this paper have been instrumental in getting laws passed that mandate the outpatient use of psychiatric drugs for people who have been civilly committed.

Peer Support in Mental Health: Exploitive, Transformative, or Both?

The first time I tried to write about peer supportā€”that emerging form of ā€œservice deliveryā€ in which one person in recovery from what is described in the field as a ā€œserious mental illnessā€ offers support to another person who is in distress or struggling with a mental health conditionā€”was in 1994. The manuscript was summarily rejected from an academic journal as representing what one of the reviewers described as ā€œunsubstantiated rot.ā€ That same article was eventually published 5 years later, and used by the Presidentā€™s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health to support its recommendation that peer supports be implemented across the country. Now, more than a decade later and as peer support arrives at something of a crossroads, both of these reactions remain instructive.

Upcoming Breath-Body-Mind Online Workshop

Psychiatrists Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg will be giving a Breath~Body~Mind workshop live online August 16 and August 17, 2014. According to a press...

“Yoga Lowers Inmates’ Aggression and Anxiety”

"Incarcerated thieves, drug dealers and murderers may not be the typical group you imagine doing yoga," says Scientific American, "but recent studies show that...