Bob Faw – Short Bio
Positively Healing: Transforming Vicious Cycles into Vital Cycles: Bob Faw writes about the Vital Cycles program, which seeks to empower those who seek joy in...
Mary Fry, ND – Short Bio
Integrative Naturopathic Mental Health Care: Mary Fry, a naturopathic physician, discusses her vision of an effective and collaborative integrated mental health care system that includes...
Vivek Datta – Short Bio
The Psychopathology of American Life: A British physician explores how the concept of mental disorder has vastly expanded over the past century, reporting from...
Tina Minkowitz – Short Bio
Mad Law and Human Rights: An attorney and psychiatric survivor, Tina Minkowitz writes on the new perspectives in human rights law that emerged in...
Jon Jureidini – Short Bio
Healthy Skepticism: Jon Jureidini, a child psychiatrist in Australia, writes on the quality use of medicines, misleading drug promotion, suicide, medical education and child abuse.
David Ross – Short Bio
Getting From Here to There: David Ross writes about the efforts in Ashland, County Ohio to move its mental health and drug/alcohol system towards a...
Robert Nikkel – Short Bio
Policy for Recovery: As a former state mental health and addictions commissioner, Bob Nikkel writes about policy and practice changes that are needed to promote recovery...
Alice Keys – Short Bio
Necessary Phoenix: Can one physician help heal the practice of medicine? After two and a half decades of work as a psychiatrist in private practice,...
Tim Desmond – Short Bio
One Mind: Therapist and Buddhist scholar, Tim Desmond explores how we think about the nature of madness and wellness, from the medical model to...
Mary Ellen Copeland – Short Bio
Change Now: The founder of the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery shares her vision of a world where people are supported in using simple,...
Jonathan Dosick – Short Bio
Toward Peer-Friendly Public Policy: A peer activist, Jonathan Dosick writes about obstacles his community faces due to continuing refusal by governments, industry and the public...
Carl Elliott – Short Bio
Enemy of the People: Carl Elliott is a professor at the Center for Bioethics at the University of Minnesota. He writes on the medical-industrial complex,...
Short Bio – David Healy
Data Based Medicine: David writes of his ongoing work as a founder of, whose mission is to capture the data that is missing for...
Elizabeth Stuyt – Short Bio
Thinking Holistically: A psychiatrist and medical director of an innovative, 90-day inpatient treatment program in Colorado for people with chemical dependence and mental illness...
Bruce Levine – Short Bio
Commonsense Rebellion: Bruce E. Levine, a practicing clinical psychologist, writes and speaks about how society, culture, politics and psychology intersect. His latest book is Get...
Alison Bass – Short Bio
A former medical and science writer for The Boston Globe, Alison Bass writes about conflicts of interest in medicine and flaws in the way drugs...
Short-Bio — Jonathan Leo
Rethinking Biological Psychiatry: A professor of neuroanatomy, Jonathan Leo writes on the problems with the evidence base used to support the often promoted chemical...
Jen Padron – Short Bio
On Visioning A Peer Workforce: Jen Padron, a leader in peer support initiatives, focuses on the groundswell supporting the growing prominence of peer providers who...
Aubrey Ellen Shomo – Short Bio
Fixing A Broken World: A psychiatric survivor activist contemplates the mental health system, stigma, science, law and culture, politics, and the practical realities of fighting...
Howard Glasser – Short Bio
Awakening Children to Their Greatness: Creator of the Nurtured Heart Approach and the Inner Wealth Initiative, Howard Glasser writes of ways to help children...
Hugh Middleton – Short Bio
Medical Essentials from England: A Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, a Member of the Royal College of Physicians and a medical practitioner of...
Daniel Fisher – Short Bio
Recovery Through Voice and Dialogue: Co-founder of the National Empowerment Center, Daniel Fisher, a psychiatrist, writes on alternatives to the medical/institutional model of distress and...
Philip Thomas – Short Bio
English Madness: Co-founder and former co-chair of the Critical Psychiatry Network, psychiatrist Philip Thomas writes of madness, meaning and culture.
Olga Runciman – Short Bio
Denmark: Voices From the Inside Out: Olga Runciman has worked as a psychiatric nurse and been a patient of the self-same system. She was told...
Carina Hakansson – Short Bio
Ordinary Life Therapy: Carina Håkansson is founder of the Family Care Foundation and The Extended Therapy Room Foundation in Gothenburg, Sweden. She writes about psychiatry and societal treatment...