Niall, thanks for this article, which shows the yes-man character of so many of your colleagues (beside their wish to make money on cost of their patients health).
Welcome on!
Best wishes from down under, Peter
Robert, you’re welcome.
Returning from Hamburg, where Dorothea’s birthday was celebrated at the University the day after and where Dorothea was connected via Skype for 5 hours, I learned that I was wrong in one point: Psychiatrists had administered cardiazolshock, insulinshock, electroshock and paraldehyde to her, but not neuroleptics. She only saw their effects in her fellow patients. Good enough to recognise their zombie effects.
Dear Frank, the effect of neuroleptics and antidepressants do not explain the mortality difference between Europe and USA. The effects of those potentially toxic drugs are the same at both sides of the Atlantic. In medical discussion, as I remember, the quality of the food – or better its poor quality – is identified as the cause for the 7 years of difference in life expectancy.
When I entered USA the last 3 times, I was always shocked about the extrem body volumes of so many people. And about quantity of sugar. Much sugar seems in each food, in bread, everywhere.
This was my experience. Friends of mine share it.
Best wishes
Thanks for your question and comment.
The advance directive refers only to forced treatment in psychiatry, not to committment. Following the spirit of the law and the latest highest courts’ decisions, it should be effective also including forensic and including as a chemical restraint in situations psychiatrists label as an emergency.
The practice will show whether psychiatrists in their everyday practice will follow the law, and if not, whether people go to court and how courts then will decide. I did not hear from such cases yet, which does not mean that they might have not taken place.
I do not belong to that group of Germans who post all the time that forced treatment is abolished in Germany because of one court decision or because a new law. To be right and to receive right are two different topics – surely not only in Germany. But the new law on advance directives gives real hope to move in the direction of equal rights at least if people make advance directives. More I cannot say.
All the best,
Since many years, in the German speaking countries fluoxetine is administered with the market names Felicium, Floccin, Fluctine, Fluoxetin, Fluoxibene, Flux, Fluxet, FluxoMed, Mutan and Positivum. There is no reason that Big Pharma treats German patients and animals – which also receive fluoxetine (f.e., dogs being sad in the flat during the day when their master is out for work) – different from other creatures.
Peter Lehmann
Hi Ted,
thanks for your fine contribution. And it is fine to see my friend Dunya mentioned.
You might be interested in more German historic facts which preceded the Holocaust, then see my paper “‘Progressive’ psychiatry: Publisher J. F. Lehmann as promoter of social psychiatry under fascism”, translated by Peter Stastny and published in Changes – An International Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy (U.K.), Vol. 12 (1994), No. 1, pp. 37-49,
I did not make many friends in people who currently work in German psychiatric institutions with this paper, as they like to mix the term “social” within “social psychiatry” with something progressive like socialism. The life-expectancy of psychiatric patients which is reduced by — on average — two to three decades and strongly connected with psychiatric drugs administered in- and outside of madhouses does not mainly commemorate something social, rather simply death-making.
Best wishes, Peter
Niall, thanks for this article, which shows the yes-man character of so many of your colleagues (beside their wish to make money on cost of their patients health).
Welcome on!
Best wishes from down under, Peter
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Robert, you’re welcome.
Returning from Hamburg, where Dorothea’s birthday was celebrated at the University the day after and where Dorothea was connected via Skype for 5 hours, I learned that I was wrong in one point: Psychiatrists had administered cardiazolshock, insulinshock, electroshock and paraldehyde to her, but not neuroleptics. She only saw their effects in her fellow patients. Good enough to recognise their zombie effects.
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Dear Frank, the effect of neuroleptics and antidepressants do not explain the mortality difference between Europe and USA. The effects of those potentially toxic drugs are the same at both sides of the Atlantic. In medical discussion, as I remember, the quality of the food – or better its poor quality – is identified as the cause for the 7 years of difference in life expectancy.
When I entered USA the last 3 times, I was always shocked about the extrem body volumes of so many people. And about quantity of sugar. Much sugar seems in each food, in bread, everywhere.
This was my experience. Friends of mine share it.
Best wishes
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Thanks for your question and comment.
The advance directive refers only to forced treatment in psychiatry, not to committment. Following the spirit of the law and the latest highest courts’ decisions, it should be effective also including forensic and including as a chemical restraint in situations psychiatrists label as an emergency.
The practice will show whether psychiatrists in their everyday practice will follow the law, and if not, whether people go to court and how courts then will decide. I did not hear from such cases yet, which does not mean that they might have not taken place.
I do not belong to that group of Germans who post all the time that forced treatment is abolished in Germany because of one court decision or because a new law. To be right and to receive right are two different topics – surely not only in Germany. But the new law on advance directives gives real hope to move in the direction of equal rights at least if people make advance directives. More I cannot say.
All the best,
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Since many years, in the German speaking countries fluoxetine is administered with the market names Felicium, Floccin, Fluctine, Fluoxetin, Fluoxibene, Flux, Fluxet, FluxoMed, Mutan and Positivum. There is no reason that Big Pharma treats German patients and animals – which also receive fluoxetine (f.e., dogs being sad in the flat during the day when their master is out for work) – different from other creatures.
Peter Lehmann
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In June 2013, lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse®) was licensed in Germany for medical treatment of ADHS.
Peter Lehmann
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Hi Ted,
thanks for your fine contribution. And it is fine to see my friend Dunya mentioned.
You might be interested in more German historic facts which preceded the Holocaust, then see my paper “‘Progressive’ psychiatry: Publisher J. F. Lehmann as promoter of social psychiatry under fascism”, translated by Peter Stastny and published in Changes – An International Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy (U.K.), Vol. 12 (1994), No. 1, pp. 37-49,
I did not make many friends in people who currently work in German psychiatric institutions with this paper, as they like to mix the term “social” within “social psychiatry” with something progressive like socialism. The life-expectancy of psychiatric patients which is reduced by — on average — two to three decades and strongly connected with psychiatric drugs administered in- and outside of madhouses does not mainly commemorate something social, rather simply death-making.
Best wishes, Peter
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