Tag: anthropology and psychiatry

How Culture Influences Voice Hearing: An Interview with Stanford Anthropologist Tanya...

Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Tanya Luhrmann about cultural differences in voice-hearing, diagnosis and damaged identities, and conflicts in psychiatry.

Where Western Medicine Meets Indigenous Healing: An Interview with Anthropologist Ian...

MIA's Micah Ingle interviews the anthropologist Ian Puppe on how the imposition of psychiatric treatments can lead to harmful iatrogenic effects with Indigenous peoples.

Anthropologists Contemplate the Future Role of Psychiatry

Anthropologists who study the psychiatric field recently had papers published in two highly influential journals. While they both call for or describe reform initiatives, they point us in different directions with regard to the future role of psychiatrists. With a shift in resources, might psychiatry finally get it right?

Researchers Call for Structural Competency in Psychiatry

Structural competency in psychiatry emphasizes the social factors shaping patient presentations and encourages physician advocacy.