Tag: childhood abuse and mental health

Someone I Used to Know

When I sit in Billieā€™s office, I am still 13 years old, bitter anger saturating my body. I am 23, sobbing that I cannot do this anymore. I am 24, celebrating my first year of college. I am all of these people and none of these people.

Study Finds Connection Between Trauma and Psychosis in Children

Researchers connect the impact of early trauma to the development of psychosis in children as young as 7 years old.

How Complex Trauma Changes a Person

FromĀ GoodTherapy.org: Although not currently listedĀ in the DSM, the diagnosis of complex post-traumatic stress (C-PTSD) has gained widespread acceptance in the mental health community. The...

Being Bullied by Age Eight Linked to Depression in Adulthood

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that being exposed to bullying in childhood can contribute to mental health problems later in life. In a new study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, the researchers found that children who reported being bullied at age eight were significantly more likely to seek treatment for mental health problems by age twenty-nine.