Tag: crisis
Break Down. Wake Up. podcast – 004 – Embracing the Unknown…not...
How a period of chaos and blackouts brought an international trainer to his own vulnerability and nudged him to stop doing everything on his own.
What is it Like to Experience a First Crisis in Psychosis?
Study explores the emotional and embodied experience of individuals undergoing a first crisis in psychosis.
Training Program Decreases Police Force and Arrests for Mental Health Crisis...
Colorado police trained in crisis intervention infrequently use force or arrest individuals experiencing a mental health crisis and are likely to transfer individuals to a treatment facility.
Mourning? – Yes; Forgiveness? – No. Healing from Trauma
Mourning is the biological process that allows us to relinquish and deactivate the brain mappings that result from trauma. By facing the pain, we can truly put it behind us, where it no longer rules us. In so doing, one writes a new play that is infused with authenticity and love.