Tag: Dreams
Video Games on a Psychoanalyst’s Couch
From Asia Times: In his new book The Playstation Dreamworld, Alfie Brown discusses the role of video games in both reinforcing and challenging capitalism through the...
The Empire Dreamt Back: Britain’s Use of Psychoanalysis
From Aeon: In the early 20th-century Age of Empire, officials in the British Empire sought to better understand their colonial subjects through the use of...
While Psychiatry Slept (Part II)
The new wave of psychosocial treatments is encouraging, but does not go far enough in recognizing psychosis as an attempt by the psyche to heal itself. Until psychiatrists receive training in metaphor and symbol, we will continue gluing the pieces of Humpty-Dumpty back together again.
While Psychiatry Slept
You might ask, “But why are dreams so crucial to psychiatry?” I would tell you that they are the forgotten language of the psyche, composed of metaphor and symbol, simile and synecdoche. All who enter the world of non-consensus reality long for a physician trained to hear the patois of image.
Prayer and Hope, Part II.
Since I accepted the Project Management gig where I work most of the time in the DFW Metroplex in Texas, I've gone through rough...