Tag: eating disorder
When Treatment Makes You Sick: The Eating Disorder Clinic
Eight years after beginning ‘treatment’ for an ‘eating disorder’, I was eating worse than ever. Yet three years after quitting that ‘treatment’, food is a pleasure, not a problem.
Childhood Emotional Abuse Associated with Internal Eating Disorder Voice
Many individuals diagnosed with eating disorders describe and internal ‘voice,’ which may be linked to experiences of childhood trauma and dissociation.
Why We Fell for Clean Eating
From The Guardian: Not only is the clean eating movement based on pseudoscientific beliefs not backed up by evidence, but it may also lead to...
“I Didn’t Believe I had an Eating Disorder. But the Threat...
In this opinion piece for STAT, Carrie Arnold wades into the ethical debate over forced treatment in a case that "has set off a firestorm...