Tag: Frantz Fanon

From Freud to Fanon: How Daniel Gaztambide is Redefining Psychoanalytic Practice

In this interview, Daniel Gaztambide discusses how decolonial perspectives can transform psychoanalytic practice.

Uncovering Radical Psychiatry and Institutional Psychotherapy in Postwar France: An Interview...

MIA's Micah Ingle interviews historian Camile Robcis about radical and liberatory forms of psychiatry and psychotherapy in postwar France.

What Fanon Still Teaches Us About ‘Mental Illness’ in Post-Colonial Society

From The Conversation: "Fanon ultimately viewed institutionalised care as a mode of disciplinary power in the regulation of people. He saw it as a...

We Need to Broaden the Philosophical Landscape of Social Work

In this piece for Community Care, Anjum Shah argues that social work academics need to pay more attention to the work of the philosopher Frantz...

The Frantz Fanon’s Foundation 2nd Rencontres

From the Blog of the APA: This past December, the Frantz Fanon Foundation celebrated its 10th anniversary in the "2nd Rencontres" of the Foundation. The...

Agency and Activism as Protective Factors for Children in the Gaza...

Researchers recommend a ‘politically-informed focus', including activism, when assessing children and designing interventions in areas of chronic political violence.

Forgetting Fanon, Remembering Fanon

In this piece for Verso Books, David Macey discusses the legacy of Frantz Fanon, a Martinican psychiatrist, philosopher, and revolutionary, in honor of his 92nd birthday.

Series on Anti-Psychiatry and Critical Theory for World Mental Health Day

To coincide with World Mental Health Day on October 10th, 2015, Verso Books, the largest independent and radical publishing house released a series of blogs on mental health and critical and antipsychiatry. The posts include pieces on R.D. Laing, colonialism, women’s oppression, delusions and art, “The Happiness Industry,” and social and institutional oppression.