Tag: income inequality and mental health

Struggling Parents, Burdened Social Services: What We Can Change

Parents encounter many obstacles when trying to secure adequate educational, medical, psychological, and social supports for their children. These “dense bureaucracies” hurt not just families, but everyone.

Is Rising Inequality Responsible for Greater Stress, Anxiety and Mental Illness?

From The Guardian: In 2009, when the world was still absorbing the shock of the previous year’s financial crisis, a book called The Spirit Level...

The Link Between Poor Mental Health and Low Income

From Metro: Poverty can have a dramatic effect on people's mental and physical health, as it can impact diet, healthcare access, sleep, and socialization. "There are plenty...

Optimizing Children’s Mental Health is a Social Justice Issue

I can spout off the most amazing strategies for optimizing children’s mental health, such as feeding them real food, making sure they get lots of unstructured playtime in natural spaces, loving them unconditionally, and guiding them to the intersection of their skills and passions. But if a parent doesn’t have the financial/emotional/physical/mental means to act on these strategies, it is for naught.