Tag: india

Faith Healing in India: An Ancient Way of Tending to Madness

In contrast to the colonial legacy of medical psychiatry in India, indigenous and faith healing methods emphasize the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, using rituals, storytelling, and communal support to create a holistic healing environment.

Lessons from a Global Psychiatric Conference: The Good, the Bad, and...

Has the global mental health movement truly reformed its tone-deaf universalist attitudes?

How Far Has Psychiatry Really Come? Historical Practices Versus Modern-Day Psychiatry

The basic assumptions behind unethical practices like lobotomies and insulin shock therapy are still the foundation on which psychiatry’s main treatments are built today.

When Psychology Speaks for You, Without You: Sunil Bhatia on Decolonizing...

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Sunil Bhatia about decolonizing psychology, confronting the field’s racist past, colonial foundations, and neoliberal present.