Tag: Industry gifts

The “Essential Principles” of Psychiatric Practice: More Psychiatric Cheerleading

In the May 2018 issue of Current Psychiatry, renowned psychiatrist and editor in chief Dr. Henry Nasrallah provides a list of 27 "principles of psychiatric practice," most of them self-serving platitudes. There's one principle he has omitted, if we are to consider his own career to be exemplary: Cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with pharmaceutical companies.

Vermont Probes Whether Drug Makers Violated its Gift Ban

FromĀ STAT: The Vermont attorney general is currently investigating whether drug and medical deviceĀ companies may have violated state law byĀ giving gifts or payments to health...

Pharmaceutical Industry Gifts Linked to Costlier Prescribing Practices

New study finds that pharmaceutical industry gifts to medical providers in Washington D.C. are associated with higher cost, higher volume prescribing behavior.