Tag: Marci Webber
An American SHAMe by Marci Webber
There was never “an American dream”
Only a nightmare, so it seems.
Such an innocent girl full of belief
In a country from which she now seeks relief.
Marci Webber Granted a Conditional Discharge
In 2010, Marci Webber killed her four-year-old daughter during a psychotic episode that erupted while she was on a cocktail of psychiatric drugs. She was found not guilty by reason of insanity. A judge has now ruled that she should be discharged from a mental hospital.
Psychotic Akathisia by Marci Webber
This thing that stirs can’t be overcome.
It starts like a steady, aching hum
A Mother’s Very, Very Worst Nightmare
I was Marci’s former psychotherapist. When I heard what had happened, I immediately informed the detectives that I suspected that the homicide and suicide attempt were related to psychiatric drugs.